Wednesday, April 30, 2008

winds of change

photo and poetry invitation found at abbey of the arts:

winds of change where do you begin?
is it a whisper in our ear or
the roar of a God whose belly fills deep
upon the ocean?


Ted Marshall said...

I'm trying to single out one phrase from this that particularly speaks to me but I can't - it's all absolutely wonderful and complete unto itself. So beautiful.

Kayce aka lucy said...

thanks, tess. short and simple. i can't seem to get away from the questions. there are so many more of them than answers :-)

Dianna Woolley said...

Beautiful, short and simple - so telling of the feelings we have for self-awareness. I so agree on the questions vs. answers.


Anonymous said...

What a little gem lucy. I love questions and I love that the answer is both/and/another way!

Kayce aka lucy said...

SS & Abbey--it is always a delight to see your names show up in my box. no question about my feelings for each of you :-) xoxoxooxoxoo