"It (lectio divina) is more like one organic process with four "moments"--reading, meditating, praying, contemplating--flowing naturally into one another."
"You may be led to speak from your heart, write in a journal, or express yourself through some artistic medium or movement."
inspiration & quotes from Lectio Divina by Christine Valters Paintner & Lucy Wynkoop
Beautiful collage lucy, that must be some book you are reading to inspire such wonderful art! ;-)
xoxo C
amazing inspiration and i'm only in the first chapter!!! thanks, c. xoxoxo
i have one word for this ... gorgeous.
What a fantastic collage, Lucy! Have you been to Christine and Betsey's retreat? It makes me think of that time.
Wow. Cool!! I just love the way the pics blend, with the grasses blending. LOL @ AOOA's comment :)
Really gorgeous collage, you've outdone yourself this time. Looking forward to my copy of LD, it isn't published until later in the UK.
I like your new header image, by the way, very 'Lucy'.
thank you, laure.
suz, i did attend "awakening the creative spirit". it was truly a motivator for me in multiple ways!!! are you by any chance going to the december contemplative retreat?
sue & tess--thanks for your ongoing support.
& T, thanks for noticing the header. it is my 'art'...scary!?!??!?!?
Not scary at all! Congrats and courage they seem to go together some way.....
Love the collage. Am constantly taken with the interesting pieces you place together - the movement of the tree and the dance is outstanding and I envision the saints gazing across time toward each other - understanding and close although silent and light years apart. Beautiful!
thank you thank you, SS. xoxooxoxoxo
i had not really focused on how the dance and tree are nearly identical in shape. cool :-)
SOME part of your brain definitely focused on the juxtaposition, the symmetry of the pieces you combined - again, lovely!
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