Friday, March 7, 2008

stalking les chiens

Aside from exploring the museums, cafes and amazing sights of Paris, I seem to have taken on one other little past time for which I hold my "nephew," Riley, fully responsible--dog stalking. This started when Riley requested that I bring him back a photo of an "authentic French poodle." I also stated in my Paris Manifesto that I would pet a poodle if it looked my way. This ended up being harder than you might imagine, because seriously I only saw ONE poodle my whole trip and believe me when I say...I was looking!!!

While I would not classify many of these in my "best photos" category (animals are really hard to capture especially when you are trying to be discreet), but they represent to me a funny, quirky little side of my great Paris adventure. So here they are, the Paris pups...

Free-roaming lhaso apso on ile de la cite. Read more here.

Cisco...hangin' out in my 'hood. (He was the biggest dog I saw & he is a 9 month old puppy!) Riley can tell you more here.

I seriously think this one may be Riley and his person, Sunrise Sister. Were they perhaps stalking moi?

Not a great shot, but I think cocker spaniels have become the official dog of Paris. I saw more of them than anything else!

Monsieur Ginger, le chien. Featured today at "Diamonds."

Hard to see, but there were three of these guys!!!

Another Riley look-alike. This time with his male person.

I saw this big fellow last night near the Latin Quarter. He has his own suitcase and everything.

I'd love to know if you have a fave. (I would have to vote for the big guys myself☺.)

One more little FYI--they seem to have banned smoking inside restaurants, but dogs are heartily welcomed. I love Paris!!!


Sue said...

No smoking inside, but dogs? I'm gonna love Paris too.

I vote for the big blonde bloke, the 9 month old. He's a beautiful boy!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Sue, dogs inside but no smoking is marvelous (especially since when I lived in Paris what I remember is people smoking everywhere!)

And I will *always* go for the big sweet dogs (sorry Riley).

XOXO kisses from Tune

Dianna Woolley said...

Hey everyone - this Auntie Lucy is the greatest! Her pictures and stories have been an extra plus for me and my person this past 9 days.

Of course my favorites are the Westies but those big guys steal my heart too:)


Barbara said...

My vote goes for Cisco -- what a sweetheart of a pup!
In Europe in general, well-behaved dogs are welcome in restaurants -- even the finest. Smoking was banned in restaurants and bars within the last year, I believe, in Paris. Quite a sea change for the Gauloise-reeking Parisians, I suspect.

Karen said...

What sweeties!