too pooped for many more words tonight! it's been a long day of traveling and exploring. mais c'est tres bon! (but it's very good!!!) au revoir et bon soir. a bientot!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
welcome to my neighborhood
"Today help me ask questions without worrying about looking foolish, and respond to questions in the most helpful way I can." ~~anonymous
the "window" and the "bike" were both taken while i was having lunch at cafe du marche where i ordered a caesar salad because it was the only thing i recognized on the menu and for some silly reason the waiter thought i spoke french. the salad i received did not resemble anything close to what i thought i ordered. did i ask any questions? heck, no. i probably didn't want to appear foolish ☺. (it's a lot easier to be brave and witty in your native language.)

i found this little church and courtyard tucked in among the shops along the rue de grenelle. it is a lovely little sanctuary in all respects and the blooming flowers were welcome additions to a very gray day! (the weather is almost exactly what i left behind in seattle...guess that makes me prepared, huh?)

too pooped for many more words tonight! it's been a long day of traveling and exploring. mais c'est tres bon! (but it's very good!!!) au revoir et bon soir. a bientot!
too pooped for many more words tonight! it's been a long day of traveling and exploring. mais c'est tres bon! (but it's very good!!!) au revoir et bon soir. a bientot!
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Looks like it's been worth it already, Lucy. :-)
looks good - so far.
I came across this Chinese proverb the other day:
"He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask is a fool forever."
Enjoy Paris! We honeymooned there about 100 years ago (well, nearly 20!). I would recommned Sacre Couer - especially if you get a clear blue sky for a backdrop. (Must see if i can find the photos).
Yes, I remember Paris weather being even more unpredictable than Seattle.
Love the photos, especially the window and church.
Sending love across the Atlantic.
I love seeing these pictures already! So far so good! You made it ok! That's the first step...
Oh wow, Lucy--I am so happy for you!
I am jealous, you know, but also thrilled that you are where your heart has drawn you! Can't wait to hear more.
The waiter may have thought you spoke French because he speaks no English... It can happen! I remember ordering spaghetti in Germany and getting pasta and a bottle of ketchup. Some things do not translate well. Glad to know you arrived safe and sound!
I am so envious. :)
Wow you, keep having a wonderful time and thanks for checking in and the great photos which make me dream of my own trip...
A shout out to Tess on Saturday!
Oh, my face is cracking right now there is such a wide smile plastered across it. I bet you can feel my heart beat if you can stop yours from pounding so! I was nervous for you yesterday (we were flying home and probably in Portland - our stop before final drive trip today - when I said, "she's probably in her apartment by now.....!!!!" Oh, I was wishing I was with you then, BUT this is all the more thrilling because you've decided to venture on your own. Keep sending those pictures - love 'em. Hugs from me to Tess also. Love and fun adventures from all the WW household!
What fun to find the photos and commentary. Thanks for giving us a peek into your trip while you’re across the ocean in France.
Hugs and blessings,
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